Hi. Hello.

welcome to my creative and happy space. i hope you love it all!

end of summer

end of summer

summer, you’ve been a dream, but honestly, i’m exhausted.

we’ve had the best summer, visiting families, taking vacation time, and showing off as much as summer has to offer to our girls. from bethany beach, to lake placid, and back to the beach, we’ve run the gamut of finding any water to cool off and splash in, any quiet space away from the sticky, humidity that is maryland, and for maya to try any and every summer fruit she could get her hands on.

amidst all of the trips, we celebrated our sweet girl’s first birthday, surrounded by our family and friends. i’m still not entirely sure where the past year has gone, but am loving every bit of toddler life. maya is the happiest, funniest little girl, who is literally seconds away from walking.

my standby dinners have consisted of easy and delicious food: burrata salad, panzanella, fresh pasta with ripe tomatoes and garlic, vegetable fried rice, teriyaki chicken and broccoli, and any number of taco combinations.

all of the excitement of summer aside, i’m so excited for a quiet calendar, getting back in a new groove, back to cooking more, playing in the kitchen, enjoying my patio, maybe reading a book for more than twenty minutes at a time, long walks with hot coffee on chilly morning, sundays home watching football, and honestly, bringing out some of my favorite sweaters.

so summer 2022, we’ve loved you more than we could have ever dreamed, and will cherish every memory we made. fall, i’m ready for you!

weekend mood

weekend mood

that summer magic...

that summer magic...