Hi. Hello.

welcome to my creative and happy space. i hope you love it all!

this week 2.18.22

this week 2.18.22

happy friday to all. i have absolutely loved this week , which feels appropriate since it kicked off with valentine’s. this picture of baby girl has just taken over anywhere that i can put it. it’s such a perfect moment showing her personality, her little smirk, and the outfit, a valentine’s gift from my parents, is just to die for.

after figuring out how to roll from her back to her belly, she now rolls everywhere. it’s potentially the sweetest thing ever, and i love watching her figure out how to get where she wants. we’ll be in trouble when she’s crawling, but the determination in her eyes make my heart burst.

we had a couple of amazing, warmer days; absolutely un-seasonal for february, but it' was such a nice glimpse into spring. it completely inspired me, and makes me want to go through my closet and drawers to really get organized for the rest of winter and the transition to spring.

speaking of, the weather has put me in full planning mode of what to plant this summer on our patio. i’ve been down a few rabbit holes of inspiration, leaning into great greenery and classic white flowers where they make sense. we rent, so i’m also puzzling a couple of vines and trellised flowers that could be pretty.

can you tell i’m ready for spring? also incredibly ready for rose happy hours. while it’s already dipped back to normal february temperatures, i’ll just pretend it’s still warm out this weekend for happy hour, and hope for a quick end to winter, and enjoy a quiet weekend home with my little crew.

ankle weights: bala
yoga mat: lululemon
tee: jcrew (similar)
yoga pants: lululemon align 25”
agenda: appointd

still winter

still winter

loves a wednesday

loves a wednesday